Tag Archives: Doug Hawkins


On Monday, April 23rd, THE LOVE OF A STRANGER will be a free download at Amazon. You will be able to download it to your Kindle or to your computer. So if you haven’t read STRANGER and want to, you can get it for free on that day.

Here’s a short blurb:

“THE LOVE OF A STRANGER is a novel of approximately 100,000 words. When Doug Hawkins and Alexandra McGregor meet, sparks fly. Both have been emotionally damaged by life-altering events and both are survivors. Unexpectedly united in a fight for justice and to save Alex’s property from a greedy logger, gradually, they learn to trust. And eventually, they fall in love.”

I placed this book in the Kindle Select program, which allows Amazon Prime members to download it for free any time. (I think the program’s policy is one free download per month of *any* book.)

I didn’t know what to expect from this program, so I experimented and offered STRANGER free a couple of weeks ago also. It  climbed to #3 on the Amazon Top One Hundred Free Book List. It also climbed into the Top One Hundred Paid Romance Book List.

I was really thrilled at those statistics because Amazon now has somewhere around two million e-books on its site. It’s getting harder and harder for a book to get *found.*

I now need a little help from you, fellow bloggers. I would so appreciate it if you would go to STRANGER’s book page and click “Like” if you like it. Of course, I don’t expect you to click on “Like” if you *don’t* like it.  🙂 ….. Also, scroll on down the page and click on the tags. And if you’re so inclined, by all means, write a review, especially if you enjoyed the book. ….. All of these activities elevate the book in the Amazon statistics. Here’s a link to the page: http://www.amazon.com/The-Love-Stranger-ebook/dp/B005TMV7QU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1334849647&sr=1-1

Aside from all of that, I want to acknowledge the passing of music icon, Dick Clark. All of us of a certain age remember American Bandstand and the role it played in our lives.

Dick Clark, host of American Bandstand

Dick Clark, host of American Bandstand (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As a kid growing up in West Texas, I lived in a fairly isolated world. Many things that others took for granted were unavailable to us simply because of where we were. Among them was TV reception. It was sketchy at best, depending on if the wind was blowing, if a tornado was passing through, if the sun was in the right place, if the antenna on the roof was high enough, if the booster was working and blah, blah, blah.

But one thing that was available,  when we could get TV reception, was American Bandstand. In our new-found connection to the outside world, it was somewhere in there with wrestling and Liberace. From those days, I distinctly remember a young Dick Clark and watching kids dance as we had never seen them before.

I also remember him from his days as a TV game host, yukking it up with Betty White. From what I saw of him, he was always a gentleman. His contribution to the dissemination of popular music far and wide can never be minimized.

I’m sure many of you followed Dick Clark, right?.

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